Thursday, September 3, 2015

October 31, 1970 The Dread, The Thrill, The Debate, The Telephone and The Electra Hardtop

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Today is homecoming here so the town is full of cars and people. It is a beautiful sunny day but cold, as usual. It rained last night so we were afraid today would be bad.

Bob & Pat came last night but were late. There was so much traffic in the city. They are sure enjoying their work. Pat's school had a Halloween party and she dressed up like an Indian. She was dreading it when they were home last but really had fun and said next year she'd do a little planning about dressing up.

Bob is so thrilled about his work. He is studying only the chest and its problems this semester so has a new stethoscope that he is so proud of. He brought it to show us. He is making the daily rounds in the hospital with a specialist and listens to the patients' chests and talks to them. We keep stopping him as he talks because he uses all these words we have to have explained. Patty says he uses her as a patient and she is prodded, poked and listened to.

I finally got Marjorie's gift mailed yesterday. I sent a white blanket. I spent most of the afternoon downtown just looking for something. Everything is so high or not suitable. I debated between sheets & the blanket so decided on the blanket.

Yesterday was a full day. I was hostess for a group of Faculty Women for a coffee. It was for the neighborhood and I volunteered. The whole faculty is involved so there are more than 50 coffees planned. Steve came while the women were still here. I sent him to B's office until lunch but then he couldn't stay long afterwards. He'd been buying for the store, in Chicago, and was alone and on his way home. It was fun having him.

The telephone seemed to ring all day too so I didn't get half of the things done that I'd planned.

We are leaving here next Friday morning about 8:00 (Nov. 6) and will be at the Travelier Motel in Fulton Nov. 6 & Nov. 7. Sunday morning (Nov. 8) we'll leave real early & plan to stay in Motel 6 in Denver, Colorado that night. We haven't any other reservations until we get to the Portland, Oregon Hilton Hotel on Nov. 11, 12, 13.

Nov. 14 we'll be at the Motel 6 in Sacramento, Calif.  From there we don't now but we think we'll go down thru San Francisco to San Diego & across the southwest back home. We'll send cards along the way. Our car is a green Electra hardtop (dk green top), FB4020.

Hope you both are fine and stay that way."

                 Lots of love,


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