Wednesday, April 15, 2015

February 3, 1968 The Wedding, The Two Letters, The Dust Pan, The Sponge Mop and The Apartment

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"B is working at school today and Ann has gone to a wedding. One of her high school friends finished high school in January and is getting married today. It sounds pretty young but I guess it has been planned this way for about two years. I don't know the kids nor their parents.

I've been cleaning the house a bit today. Next week is going to be busy and I wanted to do a little extra today. I finally got all my Christmas table cloths "done up" and I sure am glad. It takes so long to do one I'm almost afraid to start for fear the phone will ring & the tablecloth will get too dry & then I have to start over.

It was a treat to have two letters this week but when the second one came I was afraid something was wrong. I'm glad Daddy is getting along so well but he can't drive the car until he has his check-up with Dr. Warren. That's only another week and he can ask but I doubt if he's permitted to until the 6 weeks is up and everything is absolutely healed. It takes that long (the Dr. says) for everything inside to be healed. I know it must seem awfully long to Daddy but just remember that there won't be anymore of those awful old sick spells from infection anymore. What kind of shots does Dr. Myers give him?

We have had a lot of rain, too, and a good bit of it found its way into our basement. I don't know how long it has been since we've had so much. I could dip it up with a dust pan before I started using the sponge mop.

I'm sorry about Uncle Floyd but maybe he'd be better after an operation. Let me know where he goes & I'll try to send him a card.

Just forget my quilt for awhile. At the rate I'm going it will be five years before I could do the embroidery. I can't even find time to crochet on my suit.

This has been a beautiful sunny day but it is terribly messy & muddy. I'm ready for spring to come but I guess we'll still have a lot of winter.

Bob & Pat think they have found an apartment for next fall but he didn't tell us much about it. He made 3 B's & an A this semester and we were real happy. He was real happy over the birthday money. They had been figuring out what it was going to cost to live next year so the money was welcome.

I'm glad to know both of you are feeling better. Just take things easy until you both get your pep back. Is the ear all well?"

                        Lots of love,


NOTES: 1968 seemed to begin the era of conflict between the police and citizenry, if judging from the press is any indication. Here we are decades later, and still wrestling with the relationship between law enforcement and those they "serve".

And included with the letters were these clippings from the local papers; Bob's fiancee´ and the announcement of their upcoming wedding and some school news of my senior class and our accomplishments in poetry writing and induction into the National Honor Society.


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