Friday, April 17, 2015

February 18, 1968 The Sweeper, The Bread, The Surprise, The Scraps and The First Graders

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I'm really late this week. It is almost bedtime and I don't know where all my time goes. I didn't get the sweeper run until after supper tonight but the phone rang all morning yesterday when I'd planned to do it.

This morning I made up a batch of bread and that took a lot of extra time but it is so good. There were five loaves by the time I finished & we cut one as soon as it was baked. It doesn't cut very easily then but is sure good to eat.

Ann wanted me to go with her to look for some spring material so we killed a lot of time looking. We did get some red, white & blue check for a suit. Now I have another big job ahead of me.

B was in Chicago from Wednesday to this afternoon so it was lonesome around here and we were glad when he got home. It has been a busy week, though. I had to go somewhere every day and that doesn't leave much time at home. I went to a coffee Wednesday afternoon, gave another book review Thursday afternoon & went to Quill Club Friday afternoon. There was a church board meeting Wednesday night, too, but I didn't want Ann to come home alone so I went with her. She hurt a finger on her left hand in gym this week and it is badly bruised. She played for choir practice with one hand and her feet so I don't know how she'll make out tomorrow at church. Polly has been going to church with her and singing in the choir.

You certainly sent me a surprise for my birthday and much too much. When the money fell out of the letter as I opened it I said out loud, "Now what's that for?" I felt real silly but I was sure puzzled because I didn't even think of my birthday. I do thank you for it and will buy something special with it but can't make up my mind yet.

Daddy has just done wonderfully and he should really be fine by March. I hope Uncle Floyd does as well. Did he have the same Dr.?

A very favorite old photo of Uncle Floyd

You should have the wool scraps by the time you get this but don't work on that quilt unless you really want to. I hate to have to do handwork or sewing. I want to be in the mood. I've been crocheting some on my suit and it's coming along pretty well.

Bob called Valentine's Day. He hadn't written so decided to call and visit a bit. He & Pat are fine. They haven't paid anything on their apartment but the woman has promised it to them & they will make a deposit when she's ready. The present tenants may not leave until the end of August which would be fine.

I'd better stop & go to bed because I really have to be up & awake on Sunday morning with my first graders. They are fun but lots of work.

Stay in, out of the cold. One of these days it's going to be Spring."

              Lots of love,


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