Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 19, 1967 The Big Storm, The Next Project, The Viet Cong, The Valentine and The Heart Fund

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"We have had two spring days but winter hit again and it's cold & cloudy. The weatherman keeps predicting snow but we have had only a few flakes although there is still quite a bit left from the big storm.

B has been in Chicago since Wednesday but will be home sometime today. He had planned to drive a school car but the weather warnings were so bad he went on the train. They did have some snow in Chicago and winds 80 miles an hour but it wasn't too bad. The weather seems to change so fast but everyone listens closely to storm warnings after the last one.

I've been sewing a little on my suit this week and just have the hem and blouse left to do. The neck of the jacket is sort of strange and I don't know whether I like it or not. It is deep in front & the collar stands out. That's the way it is supposed to be but I think my coat will keep it smashed until it won't look very nice.

My next project will be a new cloth for the church's communion table. One of the women bought the linen and I will do the hemstitching. It's been a long time--years and years--since I did any but I think I can soon catch on. There didn't seem to be anyone else in the church that could do it and they had hired an old woman in another town to make the last one.

B's mother sent us a letter from Uncle Oscar, and Bruce ( prisoner in Viet Nam) had written his wife a letter. This was the first real proof that he's alive. I felt like crying. Why, oh why can't that war be stopped? Of course, the Viet Cong will never stop until they are bombed out. They'll never talk them into anything.

Someone got into Bob's trunk that he had stored in an attic at school and took his summer sport shirts. It wasn't locked and they went thru all that weren't locked. That's about all he wrote in his letter this week.

The ordinary chenille bedspreads should go thru your washer fine but isn't that early American one too heavy? That would be awfully heavy when it's wet. I sent my bedroom drapes to the cleaners and they sure look better. They are not much good anymore but will have to last a while longer.

Ann got a dozen white roses for a Valentine from her boyfriend. She was thrilled to pieces.

All of us went to the church last Sunday for a program honoring our minister. He is retired now but it was sort of sad yet real nice. Their son has a scholarship and is going to school in Ireland this year and they played a tape from him during the program. There were a lot of short speeches--the mayor, council of churches, college president & lots of other big-wigs. A tea followed and it was really a nice affair.

I collected for the heart fund yesterday. I just hate to do those jobs but feel that I have to.

The broom is in the middle of the kitchen so I'd better get at my sweeping. Hope you both are real fine."

                  Lots of love,


NOTE:  Bruce was a P.O.W. in North Vietnam from October 5, 1965 until February 12, 1973. Please use the links to read more.

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