Wednesday, December 11, 2013

October 10, 1959 Pouring Rain, Writing Publicity, Cooking Ham and Sending the Book...Again

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It's pouring rain again.  It has rained everyday for over a week now.  Things are really soggy.  We haven't even seen the man who was to do our porch.  He'll come and tear things up some day when I'm expecting a bunch of women, I guess.

We went ahead and bought the iron railings after B talked to several people about it.  We could save about half by putting the rail on when the porch is fixed so we'll do that.  We got them at Sears.

There is a football game today and Bob is there, I guess.  He went home with a friend from school yesterday and they planned to go to the game today.  B is hoping the rain will stop so he can go for part of the game.  We are going to a dinner party tonight but I have to leave supper for the kids and a sitter.

This week has been full.  I spent Monday writing publicity for our church supper and then met the Brownies in the afternoon.  Tues. was our faculty women's dinner.  I took a carload of women but it was because I wanted to and not because I had to, for once.  I wasn't asked to do a thing and I enjoyed it.

I was supposed to go to a PTA board meeting Wed. but it was the same time as Ann's music lesson so I didn't go.  Thursday I went to a tea at school for mathematics students and then to Quill Club.  Yesterday I cleaned and we went to a church supper.  Since Bob was gone Ann had a friend stay with her.

I spent this morning at the grocery store.  I bought ham for our church supper & will cook it Tuesday--about 30 lbs. of it.  I'm going to spread it with mustard & brown sugar--the easy way.

I'll be glad when next week is over for it will be another busy one.

My Sunday School room is about in order and more.  I straightened it last night.

College will get easier for Charlotte after awhile.  It is always hard at first and there hasn't been time for her to get into a routine yet.  These kids that quit after a few days don't really want to go to school anyway & they probably would never get through.

Bob latched onto the stamps.  He grabs every one that comes to the house even if he does have others like them. 

A publisher has my book now but I haven't heard from them.  It came back from one and I sent it right out to another.

I must get busy.  The afternoon will be gone before I know it.  Hope you both are fine."



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